Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I have a new found love. is exactly what I've been looking for over the past year and a half.

I don't have cable TV at home, but just have a Mac Mini plugged into my 42 inch LCD TV. It's great for everything, and I watch all of my favorite shows online and also use the Netflix "Watch it Now" service a bunch too.

Boxee is a stand alone app that consolidates all of those things and more into one Front Rox like interface. You just use the Apple Remote in Boxee and you can browse TV and movies.

Additionally Boxee will access all of your media stored on your computer. Now all audio and video files are at my fingertips without leaving the couch!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Seven2 Launches Our Own iPhone Snow Report Application

We recently launched two new applications available for the Apple iPhone. They are both ski and snow reports, one is free and can track two mountain resorts while the other can track up to 18 resorts at a cost of only $0.99

So far the reviews have been great, and the paid app actually is more popular than the free app. We'll have to see how it goes over the summer.

You can find the app on iTunes here: